Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

is A '7 vi- te 4V sS SCIENTIFIC AND INQUSTRIAL. -na 1. 1. MONTECRISTO take her away 3roa before east THE MERRY SIDE OF LEF3 1 v-at orMenVSonwws; Tn -rXJ V. 1 VUd Thin 'i'fULn broken 'old betrothals, n3 ol8 The tnlhiltiMfc -And'loax-ioriottea "oKl Mtn BAfiVELOUfi CAREER OF HENRY MEICCS IN SOUTH AMERICA.

mmd gd hla own, and when ohe his conns wu shaped he never changed It Hla personality wu moat attractive, hla nannsr never changing, no matter what the Hla lightest peach Inspired confidence, and to tola fact Is doe la a gnat meuuro the rae-etu he achieved In toe manipulation of hla gigantic speculations. Neither of the American continents will ever how another career exactly parallel-lag that of'ttte daring operator. ssuil -cfyoong lawn barnUmt of witM lorn, east-alt maideat ringlets, and -r clt maiden's gloves, -And niUea that jam STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE fy FUNNY MEN. OF THE PRESS. gftseia eefi tha Ms TfieS I TfcetHstl tal UHwy-T 0 ry A li mt Bap Bat Ih cn Zli fie leqrrtqr.

XU, Xd. Oh, mn of aciaeca, haad thia rhyaM, Likewise tba monl, which la i thSe-cha mam wh amaadaro tiam Will asrtly aot grt rich. Tow amtlwda do not wit ea wall; un b. -Vmhiqtgs Star. fiottM "It.1 if v.

lovrrs, and -hoars rf Hair with these Id Iain deposit Borne lav things ot my own 1 Borne peltry. wasted trifles that-somaon lias outgrown: 1 Thia tiny, battnvd loclcet. and ihisbit at r- gem-sat Mid, And file hs 1'ra left unspokensnd ta low Imrfy haw told; May they lie and be forgotten, where tw gr.v-robed angel sing The Angri of theHall at jl.t-. Wasted Things. HerberC'IIscLrmm, la Life.

WiZSK- A 1 a-, I 1 Mattie I have pvpmtaed him sad that nettles It" Oeorgo "How can yon refer to na Itr-Jodge. i A 5 5'Ssr ho UrismM I Mine Aaklna Do yon tellev'- In chnrch lotterieaT? Vli-. Do Wltto-Welt-er-I nther like chtirch weddings." Pack, -v- U-' W-r Jk i. 'V tC 1 Mamma "Yon must have yen halr Tammy And then'. win my bead 1 Ty mi A i 1 Bj jJ look Jlke the roof of a bouse? Judge, A Kny at Hop fi t- Mack Mreat Mr.

Baker object to fate wife becoming a near woman? '--j Wyld No; he aaya anything te heb ter than the original. Brooklyn Ufoa HB notber iwaa a. widow, fnduetrloM Who worked date and. early In order 4 evpport heT child alliaetb'l between Hour and five yCan old, jfrpttf aa a lalry, full- of fun, af-(fectlonate and eoaxlng aa happy On the opoalta nidawd the landing; of fifth floor wa which Etienne and. her, daughter.

Lillie lived waa.tha door of the apartmenta Inhabited by two brothera-cabtnet maker by trade, and bachelor -hTi1 or sV chance, so One of thoae-daya when the Ihtenae Chen naeeaaltatea-thia dooy being left open In' order 4o getw -cnrreht pf 'air', the prttlnea-dILlllle attracted the at--teatlon of the twb brother, who were Iff Bnt Ihe CM he hoe last left her to the ih X. don't know' whether ho led'her; or pushed him. Indiana polla t. u'S Lv'E, 1 fin Inqnlvy. 1 A -i 1 Malden Aunt-J "There, ata Jnet good fish In tbe eea as ever caught.

ir-Mtaa IVrt Can't yon catch any ef Xt 4-j s-r ipomHIy 1 -Vj Af i --V 4 1 Cant von 'catch 'an of already past (hdlr first youth, and adored children in their quality of ap-! Proachlng old bachelorhood. From that gort up.between the widow and Aar Little between tbesr; they aometlmee made a party of pleasure pa. the Bunday; ao well did one day the What, are the namea of that newly married 'couple la th next i' Oh, we esat fliid eut for week; each aow'calte the' Indiana ptrile Journal. y-'v A iMtawane OMitlwirat. elder of the two brother aid to' Farmer Giles (a.

parting adinonltloa after a prolonged and painful cnftlgn- tkn) "Now 'ope wont ketch you ere nimln, jet young wafmintr -t-- -V opeqrez. wonti guvnorP 1 1 other; "That -'Child -want hadly'v vjs; "That la my opltilon 'slao." you have objection" to my asking the mother merry ptaV ahould IMnlact, waa of doing the aama myaelf; but since 7n hnvn Ant, follow the Uoa up rbut oa the'pondltlon that yon will let -me little often ns like. I tow that chlld much aa If r. nrerr nty.own.V-t- iive -wlfh ua." Qnwtlon agreed toe two to yy call oaHmoEtlenne, whom', however, they The -t -father long 0h, 'should Kin -nay nan. who would her hedly." Thero -la nly -one way (it -escaping "Poorllffle thingf" uat pun" aM that 'Ah!" aaid ihe elder -out making to jtw mntlon.

And -eoaftnued the other, think how and it woald be tor a to part -from Lillie. Never again to aa her -trotting about the house, never to hcr her atery voice singing after we return from work of an evening. -I have been thinklng.ef an that tor long tone, my' dear John.V-;? must be pot an end your "It 1 very simple. If It please yon. shall marry her before ahe gets toad of any" one nne 4 v-.

Zonaacl The elder brother stood up, almost threateningly. "WelU-wbal la. tbs matterl also bars thought of that plan. 1 was often going to apeak about it, bat nlftkyd held rwhyrv Xv. I wanted to marry Ullle mraelf.

t' The two brothera looked at each other' far from, amiably; then the younger V. la toe aame aa with the mother fiurmerly. Do yon remember. Jam! gave her dp to you. It la your turn, now, to give U11M dp to mi.

are three yean older tons t-'V 2 "Which, ceverthelesa, does not make you very song waa heard amending from be low ataira.1 Ullle was-omlng back from her dally "Listen, aald John, rapidly. "Tb Child who haa made oor happineu op to tola moat not cans of disunion between ua. Let kar choOa which on she- likes beat Vi-WW right, said ton mtoac, bat Ja anlte -LUli took toe two men by the' heck, klased them, and, -drafting a chair between ttem1.ald:: "I wish to apeak go you aerloualyirf The of the young girl looked quits 'VVl wlah -to'get marCledl-i-Vs and I wero.Juat apenking about the it -i "Bnt you hare nOt found a '-Aa" a matter ol fact, wa hav. -Tou love us. very much' yoU SayT "Llke father and mother at once la why wa wlah to propoaa to you to choose between fWhy chooear "Which of na you will marry The -girl bunt- Into a fit'; of laughter eo joyous, ee-prolonged, that tho two brothen nmalnad quit dnm- Than brushing the fromAer -ayalashas: 1 "No nonaenae; aald wanted to spank to you seriously.

You mustn't Joke. I have awaatheart Neither -replied. yon must be am ao fond of him; and he la coming to morrow to eee "Like thntr-all at oncet And uai uiiler "Yon Will always be my two father. New York Weekly. fcr'Ti-Wewlh toa ftvW J.

He -wae slx feet tall If he' waa an Inch, and the shouldcrr of the girl at hln aide wen on level with hie own. it -was plain that they didn't belong to Kansu City, and they came Into the county-eohrt house In an awkward, hesitating way, with many glance at thy lofty and broad etalrcaaea. theloungen In the 'corridor put-them down for Pike They had Just been married; that much wu learned and wen taking in the eights -of the dty before returning to the After satisfying their curiosity -regarding the first floor- of the court house the -pair decided to risk a ride-in elevator. Approaching the -CngeT toey-ecrntlnlned fyery part of tt. riirefully entering, the car, the man aald to Amfiy (pHare, the con-ductoE," Wbeu-dyeetart?" -O'Hare -nearly fell -off his stool with surprise, tot aald, a he alaed up the rlaitotat: "Wa atari 4Hw, and atom mlng the -door -of the elevator he pulled ever the lever and toe car shot upward wlth -twlce Its usual speed.

In fact ee quickly did the ear ascend that the bride Ml to' the floor, and clasping toe knees of her husband, cried loudly: aWt ready yeti 1 1 lut- ready r-rr '-v They were tbe most surprised, bridal couple that ever came up the road, and when they Jiad reached the fourth floor the turned to O'Hare and Inquired, tfHw much do I owe you? They walked down etalra. Kansas CUygtar. Wm la sails. Manila to -not t- place -la whlrh- to grow beau 1 1 aeema. A naval officer wbe baa spent-mack tone there aaya the women, and even young girls, a-seto tognuUd and faded from day to day from tbe effects of 'the climate.

In the northern part of the PhQIppinee he found It very comfortable, but be bad nothing to sdy of the advantages of living In Manila, and waa constantly glad that hie wife and family were nht there to suffef from the 111 effects. New York Timed Wssmps Un tnpr Thsa Mrs. Slatlatlca of the various countries are remarkable on this point. In Germany only 113 out of 1000 moles reach the age of fifty, while more than BOO of 1000 female reach that age. In the United (States there are 2583 female to 1398 male In France of ten centenarians seven are women and only three men.

In the rest of Europe of twenty -on centenarians sixteen are women. A ateam vehicle belonging to a Newport resident wu recently put In the table at night and the owner neglected to tarn off toe fuel supply, stum wu generated rapidly, and toe utety valve blew off nt InterVala Thin con-tinned until all toe water In the boiler bad evaporated; a fir than started, and thr-macfalM wu rendered worth-lean -'r vj. 'ey 'MM. Dasgrtt Batoaurfl tout they have discovered a method of regenerating air in' confined apace. They have submitted to to Academy of Bcisaees aluminum diving di welghlfig twenty-five pounds They state that toa diver enn move In tola nit for hours under water without drawing' sir from toa surface.

The principal regenerating agent aeema to sodium dioxide. Xt 1a aald tost toa Invention la applleabla to submarine work, poisonous atmospheres la mine, submarine warfare, and certain chemical Industries. In a recent addreen before to Paris Academy of Maift. M. Bartfaelot aald that analyaas of specimen gold 6f dlBarant apoeba ahow that af toa Hbm of to alxtk and twelfth Egyptian dynasties toa art of separating the silver from native grid was net known.

Some gold leaf from the Persian epoch waa pure, the allvsr having bean sapa-irated. Aa, howavar, theta to a period of abont twelve eenturiee between toe dates of the teat two apeelmaua ana-lynad, specimen of Intermediate dates most be axaotlnad bafor tot data of tha discovery of tote method of separating gold and silver can definitely determined. ij A. state '-A A davlc fof preventing mMd col-ltelona at night on railroads baa Just ben patented by a Bt Loula alae-triclaa. Ha propoaea to equip locomotives with a searchlight mounted on top roof of the enb, By manna of lever to light can bo swung nroun ao na to aand a brilliant ray on althas of the train or directly behind.

For freight trains, la addition to toe light on to top of toa locomotive Jt te suggested to put another on tha "caboose at fsar of toe train ah that fill danger may ba It te proposed to obtain tha electricity by gearing a' dynamo to the ear axle find 'charging storage battertee for Pea whea i the train te atendlng itUL f-Vj )' -1" Among the mors recent Uaka ia-posed upon that busy new servant Of man; alactrielty, Ja the acUng an aaalatant ln tha operation dyeing. When doth soaked In aniline auplhntt lii placed between two metal plates connected with ton opposite suds a dynamo, sad an slsctrle I current te pnasad through It, too sulphate Ja coa-verted Into aniline black. By altering the strength of to solution find of the current, abides varying from green to pare black enn be obtained. iln the etas of indigo, the doth te Impregnated with a paste of Indigo bins and enpatlc fibirThsilMtMBenrwnt converts to insoluble indigo blue, by reduction of oxygen, Into Indigo white, which te soluble, and on being exposed to the pit becomes oxidized once more and turns blue, thus thoroughly dyeing the cloth with that color. 'inpSB on-vy- 'ft Until recently the nee ft lyddite in hdla has boa confined to tun.

comparatively small calibre, dx-luCh having ben the largest In fthlck the British has daemed It safe to bs high exploalvea. When the Belle-Isle waa destroyed, chiefly by lyddite, It waa gnna of that calibre and those of AT Inch that did the work. however, experiments have ben and with larger guns. lack, and gnna that throw a 1,000 pound prpjae-tne. The experimenta with the 8.1 gnn wen entirely and on of to remits obtained waa the knowledge that tha on of tola explosive Increased the fighting range ft a gun of that ala at least a half-mile, tor toe fragments df toe shell were hurled back that dla-taaoe toward the gun, thus Utcnnelng toe chance of hitting the mark by Just much wIBbrirMy-.

A company of Wisconsin has con-ceivsd. the' happy Men of: combining an ordinary home exerciser with an electric machine, wr tout the stlmtet-Ing effect of electricity te obtained in combination with the muscular exercise. r'. In appearance the machine tries JJ. ordlpsry exerdser wlt elastic coeds passing over pulleys.

Bdt the fords serve conductors, and the handles ns electrodes. Bomewhnt below tbe middle of tbe board on which the -i pulleys are-fastened, a cell te placed, and wired to'nn induction coll secured to the upper pert of the board. The Induced current te conducted through the elastic cords, to the handle, pnd back metallic foot plate, furnished with tbe apparatus, ran be placed in the circuit, so that the current may be passed completely throfigb the body, If desired. Mag Hla we're going to move, alie said to the agent. "We simply cant stand It Have patience, madam, he urged.

"Fstlenc has erased to be virtue," he retorted. "We complelned twice of that woman In the flat above ns, pounds the piano mnd singe both night and day, and yon arid yon would get her out Instead of doing that yon have calmly let tbe flat next to her to man w. plays the cornet. thats part bf tbe scheme, he protested. "We put him there on purpose: His Instructions an to makdso much noise she cant bear herself sing.

She has teare, yon know, and the only way to get her ont te to dlscour-sge qer. Chicago Post- Tooth Oh.) I dont -want te 'take that character. XU make: a' foot myself aure.1 i Malden Welt Ton esld yon wanted -v an. easy pari." Detroit 'Fro' Proaa, A. A.

fcjj Ill-ritoi. There te nothing left me" aald tha save to kill my tan In middle ft the story. 5 "Go ahead and kill him, Mid the critic friend "nobody wlllhlame Atlanta' Constitution. try Vta rhM accepted me,) but wouldnt Jft foe alt by tar on the eofo. "Why Bald ata'd Just paid' fifty cento to hare her wblte' dress done up.

De trolt Free Press. The Ihmgw at Time, lfra. Watte Im eure the constant to cans hi hsMisM .0 toriuBM Which have bees tallt up by North Americans in the republics at UUB Amarlea would bo complete without ntaraace to the career of Henry IMgsa, writes Doeg toe 'White In Alnalees lisgis wu operations la Chile and Pern form too most speetaentor story of flanaee whleh Booth Americt hnn ever turnlahed, and beyond donbt, hnd he befti granted but more years of life, he would have died one of the rlekeet If not to richest man la too wprld. To him tho amount of money lavrivod la transaction cut no figure, and he dealt la millions with lew worry than or dinary. operators handle thousands.

Henry ftelgga teamed the lesson of finance la a echoed where largo figures wero eommoaVAn yonng mn passed through toe yean when Cali world's Eldorado and gold waa more plentiful in eome tlons than wan the water with which to wash'll. He roe to to creet of toe golden win and his fortnn toasted-toon at eeveral mlfiloua. The time cf reactloa caught him lc with properties upon which he could not qnlekly reellse ready coin, and with maay othare he sank before the flood, not only losing his property, bet hurled andotvaa avaiaachs ot debt In October ,1854, Melggs left Ban Frandaeo not only ruined man, but fugitive dhtof. years bis wharaabouta were naknown and then word earn np from the South Pacific of to glgsatie operatlona then being engineered by a daring speculator named Melggs, In veetlgntloD akowed tkla to he none other than Henry Melgga, to ana who had fled from debt la California. Then Melggft creditor began to bear from and one- by one, toe California dnbto were wiped, ont.

Even waah erwoman to whom ho owed a few dollars waa. sought out by hla agenfr, who were. Instructed only to pay toe long' outstanding laundry bill, hut to add enough gold to plaef the poor Woman forever -beyond want; pan lot of debts Melggs declined to pay until hy a TendJoftment the fall amount of toe clalau might be pawed to the.orlg fatal crodltora Tbeae-were t-claims -which had been purchased for a song by speculators ghen the first rumor llelggs1 Booth American aw reached the California coast To the clamorous brokera'ha turned a- deaf declared himself reedy any time jojuaet tha foll obligations with ft he 4 could pay tho claimed Ipto to hands of hla original creditors. For a time to broken held ont hot as Melggs was eaf from fit tack, they finally yere obllgsd to yield, and toe money for; thousands of Melggs'. debts.

waa tow foreed hjr him Into the poaaeeslon of Its rightful owners. Meanwhlle. the South-American-for tune.had grown Melggs elenred a foil million from a -contract for tho build lag of Chiles first railway between the port of Valparaiso snd Santiago do Chile. Next came toe construction of Perna original railway Un between Mollendo and Arequlpa, which doubled Melgga' fortune. Every contract was mad directly with the government of to republic' wherein the fo built.

Schema after scheme, each more gigantic 'than'-toe other, wassuecese fully carried out Melgga at one time offered to bnild a breakwater at the 'mouJOralparalaoTTiarbOf" Irthe Chilean government would give hlifi a ninety-nine year of Its sheltered aide: Forty millions would thia venture, have coat, bat the prlndpal.harbor ofi Chile woud have been rendered ante for all time. The Chileans found Melgga. rapid strides to waglth, and demanded a large price for toe ntatal of toe sheltered aide of breakwater, even ahould the work' be done without cqst to the republic. Consequently, the project failed find to-day too wind wept bay te without protection. In -1171 the financial world was amased by to magnitude of contract entered Into between Melgga and the Peruvian government This called tot the eonetrneUon of a complete Peruvian railway system, even to a lino crossing toe summit of the.

Andes. Melggs; waa to deliver -the lines ready for operation and receive tha of one hundred and. iwepty-Ave 'millions In gold, payable' In lneUll-ments, aa tbe work At first the money earns promptly, then was foreed to borrow to meet the Melgga contract and finally when European loans could not be effected, Melgga accepted the obligations of the Peruvian government untll fce practically owned to rdpnMteL- Even the assassination of hla friend, CoL Balts, then President of Pern, failed to Interfere with toe railway plana. Finally Pern could do no more, and Melggs own fortune wu tied np in the building of the railways Bo for lack of money toe work wu etopped. Negotiations for a further loan from Europe With Melgga aaelaatance, were almooet consummated when In 1877 death cut off toe most remarkable career of any Yankee' In tkrato America.

In spite of hla success, Melggs never revisited the State-of California. Hie trials there seemed to have created in him an aversion for the place. Even rsMlution passed by toe California Legislature asking him to return, failed i Influence him to visit the State. On of the peculiarities which characterised tola brilliant operator wu that he always worked alone. There never wu a partner In his dealings, and he never sought edvlee.

He looked Into toe future through no mind save i t- MEMORY AND TACT, FAI nt what She' leaked There Is a well-known Detroit worn, an whoee frleada and family' uy the in short of memory hot long on tact aaya the Detroit Fro Frees. Tbl is her latest experience, ns told by her-elf: afternoon recently I wae slttlng on toe venusdn when a man carrying a email satchel cam up the walk. He bowed pleasantly and I returned hln greeting cordially I could white racking my brain for bin. name. wu gone forever.

Here wu an dd friend from ont of town, probably, perhaps a relative of my husband, sod eoUld not recall-hla name, nt wa agonising. "However, he must not feel a tech of welcome, ao 1 greeted him warmly, shook, hands and invited him to be seated. said I was delighted to see him and knew my family would be equaHy glad.1 regretted that long a time had elapsed alnce we had last metrl hoped he and bit family were quite well. coarse he had eome to dinner" "Thus I rattled one, fearing to let him. apeak lent hypocrite I waa rFlnally he managed am.

afraid I'm don't who nm.T- yea da' I1 eourw I know perfeetty, "Na am sure you don't even know py Well, I admitted, reluctantly, "your name haa escaped me for the moment But dont tell me. Xt will come knelt I am ao wretched on namea No, yon must not tcll me, I want to think of It iDoottrfA' I anronljrtha seWlni machine flenC 'came to do eome repair work. ri Uke strength Ja felt from hops and from despair. Alexander Popa Aft writ at toe moment and you will have performed a good aetton'to all eternity. LAvater.

No pleasure In comparable tending Upon -toe vantage ground truth Francis Bacon. Wa art nevar ao ridlculou toe qualities we have an by tooat we affect to hava llochetoucauld. Whan a man -uaumu a public trust he ahould consider public property. Thomu Jeffaredta' it The brav man 'aanaa out hla fortune, aad.every-mafi-.ta Ahanon 'of hla qwb worka Miguel de. Cervahtea Banding fUrnlahu toe "mind only With matcrlala of It thinking mnku whnt'wc read our, Liocka -s Froaperity 1a a gnat teacher; adversity la greater.

Possesion pampers toe mind; privation trains and strengthens It Hsslltt If toe soul be haplly disposed everything becomes upable of affording entertainment, and distress will almoat wnnta nania Goldsmith. I SSlllBw IlkHtlHN. An American, who had occasion to consult a prominent business man In Bio de Janeiro tells of experience In- a "8enor Jose haa not yet arrived," the head clerk would uy blandly when I inquired for hla principal. How soon wUl he be Inf I would ask'. 1 "God hnowa senor, to clerk would reply, atlll unrnfllcd, "Then, perhepa After calling five or six times, I would get desperate, and a eonverutioii something like this would enane; Will fienor Joee be here to-day? "Ah, senor, know not." WeIl, to-morrow theuP "'Perhapa; wbo knowaP I want to make an appoint: meat Do yon expect him any time next week "'It to pomlbW Oh; confonnd ltl Will hie be ben tote' yenrP He eenof, Chicago Cbronl-fta' -T- -r; t.

AnnUm WM Df Avtoo It la a notorioua fact, aaya a pandent, writing from MUlen, Screven County, Ga; that red their holes until they a trike water. Nenr.toc station In MUlen, and about fifty feet from one, of tbe mfiln artesian welte, Is colony of big rod ante tofif have' beefl' working In toC ume bed for over fifty years. One of tot oldeet dtteeno uyo they were there for that length of time to certain knowledge, bat he cant say how long they were there before that time. One can Imagine the astonishment of tbe people of MUlen when they uw one morning a bold flow of artesian water seven feet high coming from that rod ant bed. The poor fellows dug to their own destruction.

A very peculiar thing about It te that It bn cut off the wells hern There te grout excitement hero. People for miles nroand are coming In hourly to eee tbe wonderful well. Bavvnnnah News. Aa EhIhIm OHhr, "The moat ancient' end most noble Order of tlie is the smallest of the three groat orders of knighthood In point of numbers, and tbe longest In point of It consists of the sovereign. British princes and sixteen knight.

J. tug before-afae had -walked very' Idly. In order take eome work back1 to the shop on returning, -he bad caught rcblll, -paned a everUb sight, and waa not able to -rim la the morning her. aelghbors to ge forrq: doctor; -time apeak afnaarttage. Jnflammitloo Of the 'iuaga 'Carried away tha-poor ten daya.

Thanka the two. brothers, had aot go to the 'hospital; until the last aha waa able to see her little jlillle, whom ahe earnestly They jwore jteverto 1 -tbcMld The-funeral ovr, they took (Charge if the little Thcy anxiety mnft have been terribly wa -1: ftra. Lucre, Wearing? Why. In the test throe years Ive grown to look tenet six months oMer! XJfo. 1 a Art.

Jlappy Plmwey. 4 r-i Dauber has Lit It nt last; bc'i making tame and money. People have begun to notice that he paints smaller, bands and foot than any other artist in town." Chicago Itecord. Lf said to one -another, at the same time "ft you will never get mar ii.jled now." They went to live wt Vincennea, -ao that Lillie anight have -plenty of good ilr and tabs walka ln the wood. wen very proud of -adopted When.

people etopped to look FW(n He Isnt his singing something owu fuir J.j.-'.v be Don't be too hard oa tbe poor -fellow; he's jnobably doing hte beet. He Oh, in tost case Its all right waa afraid he was doing hla worst. Chicago Jtews, i- 7-vi V-. t. i 9 4 r' Vi: 1.

-I I 'A1 aa f' S'. 1 at and aiked In caiual way which of -them, was her father, they replied: at i Lillie seemed to UKe erne aa well the ether, and called them Cnclt John and tTnele When ahe grew a Itttle elder they ut her to echool to a young -ladies' school, he, It understood -staking her there every morning and calling tor her Jn the ao Lillie grew -up between theae twe affections without ever the want af father or She eet. toe brothera a gnat deal of I a i Ferguson Don't yon think' It wretched taste to spend so much mom ey on a books binding Ipstead of upon Itp contentar Chnmley Yon must, aek' somebody I hart an eye' for beauty In -i' bindings, but life te too abort to read iooka, ftoafon Transcript Film Makes the "But If yon could sell these suits for yi fifi test month-bow does It happen yoa prnnt eo much more for them now? "Thats the my friend We couldnt sell those 'for No-, body wanted them at that price. At 9.00 they are going off like hot rakes. Chicago Tribune.

i money; but, bah! they went mo longer to the cafe, and worked a little non J' 4 KsHbBi I believe, said ttajsew clerk, J'thst our claim te that only tlie select'few buy our "Thats right aald the fashionable haberdasher. "Becauft ear prices art so Jilgh. i 4 "Because why are our prices ao high? Bees use only the select few buy. here. Philadelphia Iroea, rr- 1 fiut, Waafarf la Kmw.

than formerly. Theee aupplementary I boon wen devoted to the please re and toilet of mademoiselle. When, the was fifteen' years of age she was toe first to suggest that the 1 ahould stay at home for the future, at of course, the brothen were i' enchanted. What a Charm tng llt tie honaekseper tkey had then, and with what Joyful tenderness aha -greeted thely return every etening! To any i that toe spoiled child never abused 'their goodness would be saying too muk; but at lesatahe seised every available Opportunity of pleasing them, Two yean paaaed over eo quickly fof all of them, that on the day -the 'two men- brought cake and bouquet to celebrate Lilllea birthday, they; ex "Seventeen yean old! Ia it possible? But, yes, It waa possible. And James and John thought-so much about it that it made them anxloua and un happy.

It was 'the younger who said one to the "Do yon know that Lillie is getting more beautiful every day? "Eh! Tea. I know it well. And othen know it, too. Then -must be a good many admlren prowling about here after her. A Zltklns Im going np In a balloon this afternoon.

Its a rare chance, and I wouldn't miss It for money. But -don't say a I dont want my wife to know It. It will worry tar -Boscobel Of conrue. But, 1 1 say, wPf be afraid yon will he killed, or afraid yon wont? Of course, I don't know anything abont wites. I only ask for Information.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.