Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

BRUNING COURIER. Vol. 3. OVERCOATS WE have all the popular fabrics in stylish OXFORDS GREENS and others made for fashionable trade. Even our lowest priced ones are Ar from $6.50 for an all wool kersey to $15.00 for finest qualities with fine worsted linings.

have sent you samples of our $6,50 overcoat. Please examine, it and compare it with other Coats at one or two dollars more and see which is the better. We have the largest and best stock of Clothing ever shown in this section of the Country. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW as the same quality of goods can be bought in any City. Our goods are all marked in plain figures and sold, strictly one price to all.

You are always welcome here -buy or not. EATON CLOTHING CO. AMERICAN ONE PRICED CLOTHIERS GENEVA, NEB. BRUNING SAMPLE ROOM. BRUNING, Jr.I DEALER IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS, In Whiskies I have the Famous Canadian Club, Guekenheimer Rye, Red Top Rye, Planet Sour Mash and McKanes Fine Malt.

In Wines I have the following choice brands: Angelica, Claret, Cherry, Reisling, Port, St. Julien, Gold Seal and Champagne. Brandies: Peach, Apricot and Grape. HOLLAND Keg and Bottled Beer. An extensive line of Fragrant Havana Cigars.

BRUNING, NEBR. LIVERY BARN H. F. MOOR, I am ready at all times to furnish the public with single or double rigs at the lowest rates. Good stock, handsome buggies and careful drivers.

Horses boarded, and teams BRUNING, NEB The North Platte Valley In North West Nebraska, offers some wonderfully good opportunities to the man or woman with a little money to invest in irrigated lands. Ezcellent irrigated land can be had no.W for $12 to $15 an acre, but it is plain to those watching the development of the North Platte Valley that this low price is just about to fade away. The farmers of this valley are now reaping an abundant harvest. Altalfa, corn, wheat and garden vegetables yield good profits. There arre also good openings in the live stock business.

It you are interested in the North Platte Valleg. write. for our booklet describing it. It is free. J.

Francis, G. P. A. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. To the Public.

desire to announce to the public that I have opened a restaurant in Bruning and will handle everything to be found in first class restaurant and respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. A. Brunke. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure' a cold in one day.

No cure, no pay. 25c BRUNING, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1901. LOCAL. dello Tom. Hello Jerry.

Chunkegiving next 1 hureday, Sale bills at the Courier office. Miss Edith Steel went to Hebron Monday. Charles Day returned to Hebron Moir day Angust Brunke visited relatives at Daykin this week. W. D.

Reed, the miller, went to Hastings Tuesday. J. A. Bothwell made a business trip to Hebron Tuesday. If you have anything for sale adver rise in the COURIER.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Piggutt visited Hebron' Inst Monday.

Mrs. Dr. H. W. Saylor was a Hebron visitor last Saturday.

Prof. Brittenham Sundayed with his parente at Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reoner went to Beatrice Wednesday for a visit. W.

J. Yates of Geneva was transact ing business here last Saturday. Captain Arthur S. Hannes of Geneva visited Bruning friends last Sunday. Misses Laura Mozee and Myna Martin visited Hebron friends last Monday.

Miss Eunice Tipps, of Belvidere was shopping in Bruning last Saturday. M. Gasper, the Geneva pop man, was calling on his customers. here last Wednesday. Albert Schultz who is attending school at Geneva spent Sunday here with his parents.

Editor Frank Sauer of the Strang Re: porter was transacting business in Bruning last Friday. A dance was given in she opera house last Saturday evening and an enjoyable. time is reported. S. J.

Fitzsimons took a party of prospective land buyers to the western part of the state Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Talbot of Geneva vis. ited Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Fitzsimons Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Lillian Coon returned to her home at Hebron Monday after a week's visit with Bruning friends. Misses Myna Martin and Laura Mozee entertained small party of friends at whist last Saturday evening. Alex Franzen left Tuesday for Stuttgart, to visit his brother whom he has not seen for several years.

Arthur Roberts of Dorchester arrived here Wednesday and will make a visit with his brother, S. E. Roberts, and family. Walter Holderness of Ohiowa while on his way to Belvidere Tuesday stopped off in. Bruning a few hours to witness the pigeon shoot.

Sam and Lewis Brunke of Daykin came over last Saturday and visited their brother, August, and family returning home Monday morning. Charles Bartow, who is attending school in Lincoln, writes that his roommate. has the dyptheria and that they are both under quarantine The splendid emotional actress, Miss Courtenay Morgan, in an elaborate production of "East Lynne" is to be seen at the Hebron Opera House, Saturday. evening, December 7th. A surprise party 'vas held last Friday evening at the residence of Eugene Baker, three miles south of Bruning, in honor of their daughter, Miss Jennie.

A pleasant time is reported. S. J. Fitzsimons will sell your property, trade your property, insure your property, in fact do anything for you in the real estate line. Give him your business and you will get good results.

N. F. House of College View returned to his home Tuesday morning after a veeks visit: with Bruning -friends. While here he met with quite a painful accident having his foot caught in 5 to buggy wheel which was in motion. the No.

22 High School Items. Sideey Baker was absent- Wednesday. Ulm was absent last Wednesday. Carrie Meyer was absent last Tuesday morning, The high school is enjoying a general review previous to examination: Tillie Albrecht, a cousin of Carrie Meyer, visited the High School Monday. The new books and kindergarten supplies for the primary room have arrived.

Wore will certainly be more comfortable. Robert Theobold was plensant visitor at the school Wednesday. We ate ploased, to see the graduates return and make us a call because it shows a deep interest. Ira Baker visited the school las. Friday.

He is planning to review the eighth grade work in preparation for teaching. At his home five miles north of Bruning lost Thursday evening, November 14, 1901, from a complication of diseases Wallace L. Wright, aged 30 years. farmer Mr. Wright was a prosperous young and was highly respected by all who knew him.

He has lived in this neighborhood since childhood and leaves a loving wife and three small children to mourn his loss. Mr. Wright, was a member of the United Bretheren church and also the A. 0. U.

W. lodge. The funeral services were held in har. mony, church last Saturday morning being conducted by his pastor, Rev. MoVey of Strang.

The interment took place in the Harmony cemetery. Mrs. Wright and family have the sym pathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our beloved hushand and father.

MRS WRIGHT AND FAMILY. Joined the Army, Word has been received here that John Springer has joined the regular army and is at present stationed at Fort Logan: Het expects to go to the Phillipines vin Europe he having been across the Pacific while a member of Company of the First Nebraska. Quick Work. C. S.

Judd of Avoca, Iowa, a promi nent Iowa stock dealer came to Bruning last Monday afternoon on the passenger and bought a load of stock hogs, weigh ed, loaded them and returned to his home on the freight which went north at 3:15. There is nothing very slow about Mr. Judd when it comes to buying hogs, Thanksgiving Day. Thursday, November 28, 1991 has been set apart by President Roosevelt and also by Governor Savage as a day of thanksgiving throughout the land. Let the citizens of Bruning and vicinity de votedly set aside the every day duties of life and render thanks to the Gracious Creator from whose hand all blessings emanate.

Let us waft a song of praise on the bounteous air of freedom tor health, temporal supplies and the prolific supplies that surround us. Church Matters. Fleming of Strang was in Bruning Wednesday getting acquainted with our people. Rev. Fleming has been engaged to take the place of Rev.

Foutch who has discontinued preaching here his time being fully occupied with the Pleasant Plain abd the Belvidere churches. This leaves Bruning with two pastors who will alternate every Sunday so that Bruningttes can attend services here both morning and evening. A Warning. Frank Trumbull and. John Cowden of Belvidere drove to Bruning from Hebron last Saturday night about 12 o'clock and were arrested about one o'clock for insulting a good, respectful lady here and she promptly had them arrested, Sun day afternoon about five o'clock they were taken before Judge Hallman and plead guilty and each were fined $4 and costs.

To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quuine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on box 25c.

TO THE PUBLIC WE are now prepared to show you our Complete line of Fall and Winter Goods. We have a large line of Ladies Collaretes and Jackets which containt the very latest styles and the prices are within the reach of all. We have just asceived another large line of Millinery Hoods and are now prepared tc furnish you with the very latest in Dress Hats. Please call and examine our line of these goods. Our line of Men's and Boy's winter Caps and Hats is large and up-to-date and the prices are exceedingly low.

BRICK STORE Died When You Buy Flour Ask your merchant for Bruning Flour. It is the best flour on the market. Our Mill is New, our Machinery is of the Very Latest Pattern and all we ask of you is to give our flour a fair trial. Nobody likes poor bread and to have GOOD bread you must have GOOD Flour. Every sack of our best flour contains a useful souvenier.

Remember we replace any sack" that is not satisfactory. BRUNING ROLLER MILLS WESLEY MOSS, Proprietor. DO YOU KNOW THAT There is lots of satisfaction in seeing your winter's supply of coal going into your bins? There is also satisfaction in knowing that your coal is of the best quality and that you bought it at a reasonable price. I handle Pennsylvania Hard Coal and Colorado, Illinois and Iowa Soft Coal. The time to lay in your winter's supply is NOW.

C. E. KERR. Stove Talk Are you aware of the fact that winter will 80011 be here and that NOW is the time to buy your Stove? In Heating Stoves I have the Round Oak and the Hot Blast and in Ranges I have the Gold Coin and, the Bridge Beach. These are all well known makes and need no introduction to you.

also carry Stove Mats, Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, Stove Shovels and Stove Pokers. T. REINHOLTZ. A Bargain in Real Estate. The Morris Thompson farm containing acres, five miles south of Ohiowa and six miles east of Bruning, 74 acres in pastures, balance of land under cultivation, house one and one-half stories, 26x26, barn 64x64, cribs, granaries.

scales, well, wind mill and tanks, farm all, fenced and cross fenced, land first class, located in fine country and good thrifty neighborhood, one of the very best bargains on the market at this time. If sold soon. $80 per acre. Call on or address, Bruner Atherton, Geneva, Nebraska. 4t, A Physician Testifies.

taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my life that did me the good that did," says County Physician Geo. W. Scruggs of Hall County, Ga. "Being a physician I bave prescribed it and found it to give the best results." If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system. You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation.

Kodol Dyspepgia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor The worst cases quickly cured. Nover fails. W. R.

Caldwell. Subscribe tor the COURIER. FRANK BRUNING, Prost. J. A.

BOTHWELL, Cashier. GERMAR BANK OF BRONING. Capital and Surplus, $13,000. A general banking business transacted. Drafts made on New York and all European cities DIRECTORS: Frank Bruning: Samuel Fitzsimons.

Friedrich Bruning, W. H. Grone. W. J.

LORENZ, PROPRIETOR BRUNING MEAT MARKET A complete stock of Fresh, Salt, Cured Meats, Pickles Ice. I shall make it a point at all times to have fresh goods on hand and everything kept neat and clean. Give me a call. Cash Paid for Hides and Pelts..

Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.