Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)

rV. ...4 i-SAf- w- I 'i 'v-- vf. 4 'N. I -fc yr A 9 "A 'f V- A VALUABLE -WILb-BBASTr AMONGTHETHIEVES. THE DANGER IN CIRc*msTANTIAL EVIDENCE Iff roiiD dOlDvANp DR y.

i fromi'-v 7. '-(j fi i ih4v -i Iwi-r DUEL WITH POTATOES. Kaa tacky UatpoMb. Iato BliUwflc One way of combating an evil practice 1 to make it look ridiculous. It -was by -tola means that duel lug Area stopped in certain district In Kentucky, eays the Boston Herald.

A 'traveling preacher named Bowman a strong, muscular fellow waa conducting services in Kentucky. At one of hie meeting a well-known desperate character, a disturbance, and, being publicly rebuked by Bow- challenge to. fight flow a of Mr. Hermlnn Meyer, a' Philadelphia woman, who was a sufferer rheumatism andwho resorted to ta resting treatment -ns, a core, resulted fatally. JJndar the direction of an ad-- vocate of the fasting cult, she abstain-.

ed absolutely Jrom food for 36 daya. Then she was Mixed with convulsive From 130 pounds ah to. a. mere skeleton. On the 85th day aha food, and tone week following the breaking of her, fast sh died.

person who had' directed her to fast, pronounced Meyers death due to disease, hot her family physician declared it pure-, ly a' ease of starvation. aent him a. challenge to hnd wars executed In Gloucestershire, on. th charge of having murdered William Harrison, Who was steward to Lady Campden. The body, was -found, but John, the stewards being accused of the crime, and anlxous to clear himself, confessed that his mother and brother had killed Harrison.

The confession did not. save him. years after, the triple 'Harrison reappeared Gloucestershire. He had been kidnapped Into foreign slavery. Lord co*ke cites the case of an.

Eng-; llshman accused of murdering hIS nleoa. She was heard to cry 'Unde, do not kill ns!" and soon. after disappeared. The uncls, being required to produce her aiu being unable' to do so, procured another girl to personate her, but the was detected, and -this lent si(ch color to the other- circ*mstances' that he was convicted and It was afterward found that, the niece was living. Two brothers traveled together to a seaport town In England.

After-dinner they got Into- a hot argument, at the end of which they retired to a double-bedded room. One of the brothers, seised with a violent flt of nose bleeding, rose at 8 oclock In tho morn-ing and wandered to a cliff. He eras seised by whom ha unwittingly had detected in buying- puncheons of spirits. They were too amiable to murder him and merely put him on board a vessel, which was bound tor the West Indies. Meanwhile his brother, who, after his port, wine and altercation, had gone Calmly to sleep, woke In toe morning to And his brother's plljow covered 'with blood and his brother missing, hastily rang the bell and summoned the all his protestations of Innocence Won hnd -he was Circ*mstantial evidence plays i prominent part, In cases of murder.

All the greet murders of the peat 10 peer which have occupied the public; mind end filled the newspaper wars tubed on circ*mstantial evidence and la snarly every instance conviction Recently Roland Mollneuz was convicted of murder In New York after .1 celebrated In qrim; Inal annals. He was found guilty on circ*mstantial evidence and sentenced to die in the electric chair. His attorneys claim ha la Innocent and will appeal the caae. There are' many rases. where men supposed to be guilty of murder bare been' legally executed and later their Alleged victims have-been found alive and Well- In the summer of 1892 a Jury in Waldron.

found Abner Ray guilty of the murder, of John Potts. Tbs convicted man rose to his feet. to protest 'his Innocence. Ills JOHNVANjyMMAfL Uoonan.hsnd. nLllm Jawlntl.hnd matching she perhep.

Bowman, aa to challenged party, had fC toe choice of weapons. He selected a half bushel of Irish potatoes, as big as hia. fist etch man, and stipulated that hie opponent must Stand fifteen paces distant and that only one potato at a time should be taken from toe measure. The desperado was furious at being thus freshly Insulted, and made an indignant proteat hut Bowman insisted upon hie rights ns ths shallenged man, and threatened to denounce toe desperado aa a coward if he TWredTO '6dtor W-tltt4C' fiJTlMfir- was no way. out of the flx but to fight toe desperado consented.

The encounter took place on to outskirts ot the town. and almosteverybody.Jn to place was onhand to sea toe fun. Tha seconds arranged toe. two men in position, by toe elds of pach being a half-bushel measure flllftd with large; hird Irish potatoes Bowman threw the first tuber, It struck his opponent and flew into pieces. A yell of delight went up from the which flurried the' desperado, and hi p6tato flew wldar of toe' mark Bowman, watched hid chance, and every -hia opponent a topped for' potato, another hit In toe Short ribs, knocking toe wind completely out of him "find doubling him np on craxy with laughter, but Bowman looked ns solemn as if he had Just limbs trembled, hie face and fell dead of.

heart disease. A moment, later. Potts entered the court noUL' Convicted on1 chfirga bfmurdering bln brother-in-law, John Crow, In May, 1885, -John Van Nlmman; served5 10 I111 In Jackson In om' ofit-of-th-way place 1 ln the where Crow wee wandering." he rams 'across a newspaper account of -the trial pf hie brother-in-law. He cams back, and in 1894 got Van Nlm-man joan Perry and her two sons, John WON FORTUNJt IN 1 O. y'4' -C iV.y'-" ar -V f' Y.

A- 'rt ft i' A I -fc- It 'y af. g-rfi -Aj-' 7 i if It Is strange how th wheel for-. tael The (torllla Is Hard to- Captare aad Is Always la Dsamad. 7'- At the present time there wild animal la such great demand for exhibition purposes aa the gorilla," rays. a dealer -Iq all kind of wild beasts.

A full-grown gorilla stands about four feet six Inches high and is worth IL200 to 81500. They sell easily for such prices, owing to the fact that they are rare sod very difficult to cap Chiefs In tha interior of. Africa have been offered large sums if they would aucced In catching one of these beasts. Numbers of little gorillas have been captured at various times, but they hav always pined sway and died In abort time. The chief difficulty about the capture of the.

gorilla Is that ha lives in very unhealthy districts where fovera prevail. A whits man has to fight. the climate as well as toe animals, is addition to the well-known ferocity of toe gorilla he la re-, garded with a superstitious awe by the natives, who have 'a legend to toe effect that this terrible beast carries away th women, to the Jungles. They also regard the gprilla ea endowed with supernatural powers. TWfnneir-sent out last year by a well-known German firm that deals in wild beasts perished in tha wllde of Africa while seeking for gorillas.

It may aeem. aur-prialog to an American, equipped with all the appliances of science for the subjugation of toe' animal', kingdom, that it seems impossible to capture and cage a gorilla. But his fearful strength la considered end hia wonderful ahynesa. It will prove to he not eo much a matter of strength after all. All kinds of suggestions have been made to hnntere with, regard to the devices to be used, such fis traps, pitfalls and like appliances, but none of throe has proved to be succeasfuL of the largest gorillas ever captured belongs to th.

zoological' gardens in London, The animal stands four, feet, nine Inches hlfih. It is -so. valuable that offers of-lfl00 and 88.008 five made without acceptance." AVOIDABLE ACCIDENTS, Hmr ysmlllartyv; with -'V V1 7'. There la no saying truer than thlt familiarity breeds, contempt, aaya an old Pittsburg railroad Take, for men who handle high explosives. When they firat go on the work they handle the explosive tenderly and gingerly; hut with the constant handling of the dangerous compound they, grow careless, and dangerous and deadly are- frequently toe mult.

We had a bad accident, at one time, and in qrder to clear toe tracks Jt wa necessary to dynamite th wreck. On ths wrecking -train ths dynamite was In one box on a flat-car, with tha capa in another, while a third box 'waa' prorideT Br vfiich to place tha dynamite cartridges when capped and ready for use. The' two men. In charge of the dynamite, as the wrecking train nrorod the scene of the accident, began to make ready toe explosive. One man affixed the cap to the cartridge, and then toeaed It -to hte companion, aom seven or eight feet away, who caught and.

laid it in the box We never knew exactly what happened. Either one man missed hia catch or the other dropped a cartridge In capping, hut the -cardynamlta and men were wiped out of existence; large hole the car and. tracks had been marked the scene of. that famlliarity-breeds-contempt accident Sscvte Wardls OB Dm-. There is aLJeast one lady In Kenwood who believes thoroughly in the efficacy of About year ago.

her husband engaged in bualneap venture that looked rather uncertain. But hia wife had atronp faith that It would turn out Well. -Qo ahead, John," ha said, and let us put our trust in the Lord. I pray every-filghthat we may have no reason to regret toe risk we are taking. The aSalf seemed to turn out pretty, well right, from the Handsome dividends were paid all through the summer and during to winter and great Joy waa, in the home of this man and the sharer of his fortunes.1 But there came a turn a mopjh ago.

The busU Ben' ceased to pay, and since then the-losses have been Increasing every day. Nothing was said about It at the fire-, aide' around which so. much, happiness had centered during the put year until the other day, when It waa suggested by the husband that It would he well to cut down expenses. 1 Questions followed, as a- matter of course, and then it bed to be confessed that the business was not well. "Dear me!" exclaimed the distressed lady," when All the truth had been revealed to her.

VI must begin praying again tonight!" Cmwm of Botglaab The commerce of Belgium has mads moat remarkable progress. The budget for 1900 shows that from the modest figure of 102,000.000 trance (838,986,000) In 1831 the general commercial total with foreign countries for 1898 wae fl98.000.000 -franca (61fll5.514.000) from 180,000.000 franca the special commerce hoe risen to francs and 1S9S will bring that up to 4,000,000,000 trance (8773.000,000).- Halt a century ago Belgium was scarcely knows. Today Its products and manufactures' are In the markets of every known eorner of tho globe, and tola little country, with its 6,000,000 hi habitants, only fi few mors than ton city of London, ranks aa tho seventh industrial country of toe globe Leagwl Caaal. the Kite, Th longest canal iu tho world la the Erie, in New York, extending from Albany to fi distance qf 381 miles. been preaching funeral sermon.

The -desperado 'wee taken home fihd put to bed, 'find stayed there for more than DIAMOND THE SLICKEST OF THEIR KIND Meal Tyrteee iwa HHw the Ey mt the IMmHMKt Ike Ibtka by Which Tkfjbpmta Dnu Wau TklsvM With Male Am -Perhaps the world are those known eg boosters persons 7who-maks-toslr-livlng by stealing dlamonda Men land women engage In this hualness and 'as. a rule they are hard to capttireowing to the clever method of their, operating. The method Is 'Something ilka this: A swell rented for th day at livery stable, drives up to the door of a big jewelry house, a footman' Jumps down and hqlda open tha door' and the proprietor of the store with hi 1 eye out for customers, rubs hid hands as he scee fashionably attired man get but and extend his hand to' woman, leo dressed in' toe height ot fashion. The Jeweler is obsequious when, hia customers stroll in, gale around, toe store as if they Intended to buy the place If they should chance to like It. want; to diamonds the lady -wlehes to replace some lost from tiers or necklace.

The. proprietor le delighted to show his stock. Th big. saf ta opened and a tray of beauties placed before the easterners. The men who accompanies the; woman shows but languid interest In th proceedings.

Evidently hle mission is solely to pay for the he looks Into the show eases end examinee ttya silverware while the woman picks up the diamonds on by one, holds, them to the light, has them weighed and pats them. beck In-toe tray. There la nothing there which exactly suite her ehs is afraid the stones will not match her. necklace. If too proprietor wishes to try his ex wiliest thieves In' the cel gatamondnecklxce chatelaine bag a necklace' with two Or tors mlselng; Thgro Is the proof tost she Is a genuine Th Jeweler handles the.

ncklacfc reverently and set some of the. choicest in the vacant settings to try their effect But. still the woiqan not cannot make up her mind. At last sh picks but stones and fells the Jeweler to set them aside with her' asms on them, sad It she cannot; find a better match elsewhere she will return for them. She' gives him is name and address always fin sddread ln.a' fashionable locality.

Thn Jeweler putfi the diamonds' in a little box and stows it 'fiwsy ltt The safe. II tolls her ha Is ours she. will return, as ha Is confident she cannot match the diamonds more closely. The 'escort yawns and suggests they had best, he moving. 1 And they move.

Carriage drives sway, the proprietor seeing his wealthy customer to the door, and after it has been gone an hour, or maybe Ism, the Jeweler discovers that one or more of the valuable diamonds which were in the Uay, are gone Ha is loath to suspect the lady. He searches everywhere, take out the little box to see if he put too many in. counts the remaining- diamonds again and again to satisfy himself that soma are really missing and at Iaat it dawns upon him tost ha must have been robbed. Perhaps before the police have been summoned the boosters have dismissed their carriage and are on -A -train hound-for -any where out. of town.

A. diamond worth 8260 or 8300 la worth to risk and the expense of 84 carrlage'for an hoar. Another of diamond thieves of this character is known ns switching" gams. In -this practice the makeup and general plan of approach is the same, calculated to throw toe Jew; eler off his guard and make him think hs la dealing with a wealthy' couple who dealre to buy few thousand dollars worth of diamonds. The man who Intends getting toe atone h.M phony" diamond concealed in one of his hand-- pfists affair which presents a good -appearance to casual glance but; will not stand ths teste.

While examining tha tray of dlamdhds the toif-gta eye a Stone r- emhllng ha much as possible In else and cut on he has in hi 'hand and mt favorabll opportunity, when the proprietor. Is talking with tha woman confederate, for lnatanoe, he switches the paste diamond to the tray and gathers In the genuine stone. The most watchful dealer may be victimised la this. way, tor if he knows bow many diamonds had in th tray and takes a mental survey of them before hie customers leave there are all ths atones apparently Just aa they were when he showed toe -tray. He cannot detect the eubatltution fit glance and often after th custom era have decided not to buy and have Eriven away ha puta to tray back In th saf without a suspicion of anything wrong, and it may a week later that he discovers a phony" diamond in to lot.

Then, of course, pursuit is almost hopelaea. It NUM -iprofoesor. de Gustav Schmoller, declaration tost Brasil must soon become great state under German Influence, has bean ths rector of ths University of Berlin since 1997. He is one of 'the foremost political scon omlats of Europe, and for years has lectured In German universities on political science, economics and history. Professor Schmoller wee boro at Hall-bronn la 1939, and studied in toe University of Wurtsmbnrg.

In 1884 he was called to a chair la' Halle, and from 1868 to 1878 ha was dean of th University of Btraaburg. In 1888 Prof. Schmoller was transferred to Berlin as professor of history of political science. Hie opinions upon national matter are of great weight, At Denver the other, day the moot famous hermit In Colorado, attar 'a lifetime spent in frnlUero search for gold, died in a lawyer's office. At the very hut he had found, bnt too later tho treasure he sought old and weak to stand tha shock of his discovery, hs died without reveslihg to location of ths sberet hiding So toe treasure of Elk.

still lies burled. The hermit wu Anton Glas-mann, known for a generation past ns ths solitary ranchman of Elk Creek. The story of -the old hermit and ths biddon treasure is famous throughout the Rockies. In 1863 Jim end John Reynolds gsth ed together. hand of daring men and marched through' Texas and' New Mexico.

They carried the confederate flag and boasted that they, would wrest Colorado from ths Union or waste its lands with warfare. Tha attempt to capture the state failed, but the threat to leave ha trail of blood behind them -was carried to them They looted stage coaches and by every manner of foul means accumulated a treasure of nearly 8100; 000. At last, they that they wars-being hotly pursued by troops under Colonel Chlvlngton, and, fearing to carry, tha; vast treasure with them, buried it la toe Elk Creek conn try and fled. The cave where they hid it was marked by sticking a bowls knife In pine tree, breaking -off the FELLBEHIND THE BOULDER. handle find lefvlng the blade pointing to the mouth of the cnvA The soldiers at length overtook the outlaws and, lining toem-up with their backs to the cliff, their hands bound behind them, shot them down one by one, allowing their bodies -to topple over -the' cliff into the abyss below.

The laat one to be shot, howeverrfell not over the cliff, but to its aide, and there toe soldiers, thinking him dead, left him. But John Reynolds waa not dead. He crawled to miners cfibln in the valley, and there, before he died, drew out diagram of the ecena ot the hidden treasure. By "means of tote, miners tried for many yeara to find the cave. Early in toe 70a Anton Glaamann took up a claim near toe heed waters hf the Elk creek and there built himself cabin.

Day- in-end day- out he wprked and dug in a deep cavern on toe northern elds of toe ranch. married twice. His first, wife died of loneliness, and toe second, unable to bear the burdensome existence, put an end to. It by taking poison. Glasmann, growing thin and bent and palsied, with wax-like kin, and eyes tost winked and blinked In th light of day Ilk those of a belated owl, became more and more crafty in hia motions, left hit cave and came to it by a hidden and circuitous route, and concealed Its entrance with pllro of brash and leave.

Not. many days ago. toe old hermit entered the little village of Pine Grove end In great excitement, hut with more rationality tiffin he had displayed for showed nugget and gold coins of great value, ahd fold the vtl-i lagers that he had- at last found the treasure. That earns evening he took, the train for-Denver, and early, the next- morning dpioirlhd-streeti Inquiring hia way to a notary office. His 8neer, bent form.hla battered sombrero end muffled forogt hte peering eyes and ahuffllng gat, attracted much attention.

Some one led him -to the officii of a notary public, Tha old maq seemed spent and weary. He unk into, chair and began eagerly to -try to pour out an incoherent story. There wa a pause; a struggle, the gray head sank forward' upon th tired breast, and the quest for treasure waa ended. Anton Glasmann wai dead, and with him he took the secret -of the hidden treasure. Mna The Scientific American 'remarke upon toe multiple dutlee of toe Santa Ana river in California.

This stream, which flows out of to San Bernardino mountains, la now used to transmit power to Los Angeles, some elghty-two miles distant Nine thousand hone power is consumed lu propelling machinery, moving' street cars, and la hunting and Illuminating toe buildings in -Lon Angeles, besides furbishing power for near-by villages. After be ing need to geaent power, to mount-tala stream la gathered into a conduit and led further down to Irrigate the hundreds of orchards and groves la the San Bernardino valley. Vto Thirty-Fhr Day For toe yaat two or three yean a great number of people have had re-coqne to the- starvation cun aa a remedy tor their ilia of body or mind. Then are manrauthenttc vfiaro'Where tote abstaining from food haa been productive of good results, but the 'J fi tune acta In' toe case, of some men. aayg a Chicago lawyer.

Take the caaa ot Jack llarrta, for instance. la. 1895 'Harris was a mated on Clark street, charged with, murder. There was no question about toe but Jack claimed the act waa in self-defense. He was lodged in.

to Cook county Jail, but who ha was dr where he came from waa never revealed by the defendant to hia own counseL Ho did say hia name waa assumed and to era he stopped. When arretted Harris had about 160, Ho apont fl fqr postage stamps and as much more for sta-- tlonery, and begun writing to to out-slds world. In about a month Jailor to number of 'blood wars traced 1 from the bed-room to the edge of a' cliff, when marks of a scuffle were found. The brother was tried, convicted and hhflged. Left fbf dead Oh the fallow, his Ilfs was saved almost miraculously by a wit'nderlng shepherd, attracted by a low moan; cut down toe choking man, him and helped him to escape on board a vessel bound for the Barbadoe.

The first, man he in Roebuck street, Bridgetown, -was toe 4 brother for whose murder he had been wholly convicted and half hanged. QUEER blVORQE CASE; Mias SSaglstoMtt MeCs Mh Cask Merry Her Se She WeeM Wle Wegeh Tsstlmony la on of th queereet divorce cues oh record has just been heard la Union County, -New Jersey, khd the. ref area has recommended that the court give decision for plaintiff; Th applicant was Mr. Henry Cook, wealthy farmer, living near Scotch Plains. Conk, who lives In Brooklyn, has mads no defense.

Her maiden name was EnglehardL Mr. Cook tee-tiBea that he never proposed-to his wife, nor did hs have any Intention of doing so. said be had known her for-several never kept company with bar." Her relatives, hs teased th woman, saying hs would never marryhsr. Bhs muds a wager that hs would. New Years day tain years ago hs called and Miss Kn-giehardt gave him liquor and then took him to tha house of th Rev.

Mr. Loch. She said: Now we are going In hqre to get married." No, I dont want he But I say you must, sh said. Mr. Loch performed the.ceremony.

7 After th ceremony the bride end bridegroom went to the hom*o of parents, and there the newly wedded wife soldi Now we era married, you go on bach to Scotch Plains and Ishsll stay horns, Good-by." No amount of persuasion could, prevail upon her to accompany her husband. So Mr, Cobh went back to Scotch Plains. From tlm to time be called at 'hia wifes horns in Brooklyn, hut sh would not era. and. it wai more than two yeara after they were married that ha did see her, and then only by accident Srrab Wommi Stole Detectives arrested two women yesterday, who are alleged to have systematically robbed Wanamaker A Browns 1 clothing store for nearly si year; ssys-th Philadelphia Both women are negroes.

The prisoners are Rdwcca Holden, aged 48 years, of 1507 Thompson -street, and Susan Lewis, aged 80 years, her daughter of the ume address. The mother wee "employed, at the store aa scrub woman. Recently complaint was mads 'Wanamaker A Brown that about two hundred pairs of trousers had been stolen during ths.laat An investigation dlacloeed toe fact that, Rebecca and her daughter had pawned many garments of this description In more than fifteen pawnshops, and. their arrest followed. A Dn4.

Sul ta- Shortly before Francis Donee; a famous In 1884, he bequeathed a box to the British toueeum trustees, stipulating that it should not be opened Until At ft meeting of to trnataes few days ego th box' wee solemnly when it was found to contain nothing bat old frag-ments ot paper, torn book covers, sad other rubbish, with a not from Done saying that, in his opinion; It would be wasting any more valuable objects to leave them to persons of tbs average intelligence sad taste of th British museum trustees. of registered letters and express pack-hta which cams addressed to The sums ranged from 85 to 100, and In a' abort time too Jail register showed nearly 82,200 to hia credit Harris remained for 88 months an oc-rupant of murderera row, and- then iwent up for trial He waa. acquitted and left the. Jail when discharged with a $6 note and waa never heard of again until last week. Harris isiow king of toe Cape Noma sporta, He etartod out from Beattie twO months after hie acquittal in Chicago for Daw--V- son City.

He located a claim on Do-' minion creek and worked it for ail it wae worth. When1 toe cold weather et In ln.lSOS, he wn down to jbed rock and had a depoalt of 860,000 tn a Tortiaad bank. He sold out for 840,000. And went to. Nome; where be invested It in mlnlng clalma.

whlcb ar said today to worth half a mliUon. He fa now a partner ot Jim Grady, and be owna two aaloona at Nome, as well week before he recovered from effects of toe Irish potato dueL BORN IN A THICKET. Straus Story of Maternal Lava aad Fa-raatal Maladlctlaa at Wyonlog, Bora In toe -woods shout two miles from Wyoming, and left there In a soap box; a little girl baby lived for several days until found by asms children who were there playing. It le yet living and will be healthy child. two men went to th woods and car-, rled the baby to the town, where gave lt lnto tha hand of Mrs.

William Jones. Soon afterwards Jennie Lamer-oux, a. alxteen-yealr-old girl, went, weeping to Mrs, Jones and begged for the little one. Th story told by girl Is strsngs one Sh said that, when found that the baby was to-; born he'waafraid to. stay at By great effort she.

had' hidden her condition from her parents and1 whan secrecy qraa no longer possible he went to the woods and' hid hsraelf among' ths bushu. There the baby was born. girl Blustered strength to get back to her own room and when her parents had gone to bed she again foie out to th woods, taking with her-s'sosp box snd-'a little suit of. clothes which She had made out of one of Her petticoats, eubaequeat -night ahe atole to tha woods and nursed, tha child. In toe daytime sh bad to work about the house.

When the girls parents learned what she had done they drove her out of doors. Mr. Bertels of the United Charities of Wilkesbarre, went to and, securing mother end child, them hack with her. They are being cared for by the United Charities, and. the doctor say, will' both live.

Haady with Gam. In the latest South Carolinian shooting scrape toe. survivor is minister of the gospel, the Jtev. W. E.

Johnson, toe Baptist clergyman at recently quarreled with hte neighbor, W. T. Bellinger, over the painting of a fence between their properties. -Next day they met on the street sad1 began shooting, ths clergymans weapon being a shot-gun, while Bel- linger hid revolver. Bellinger was mortally wounded by charge of buck- hot.

He emptied tour chambers ol his revolver, but foiled to hit the minister. mmuws othas Two American vaudeville companies have rolled for Manila with a few kegu of salted oooa eonga and pickled Jokes of the 1891 polls Journal, Omm Mm KlMtriolty. ttt SL Georges chapel, Windsor castle, snd ths Albert Memorial era to bo lighted by electricity. a' wall-equipped gambling house. Tbs monthly Income from to faro table alone Is said to be 16,000...

Th wealth already accumulated by Harris cannot, bo leas than 8660,000 in round numbers. He expects to build an opera house and dance hall at Nome during toe present summer. lie says he can count a cool million he la going to sell out and return to la CMaassk Clarence M. Wolf end George W. Plggott, employes of the water offlee at Chicago, ere under arrest, charged partklpatlon ln a conspiracy which it le said has defrauded the city out of 8200,000 in the last five years.

7 It la alleged that Wolf and Plggott were eaught ia tha act of changing tha dial of a Water-meter the Rainer hotel. By breaking tot cap of meter tot conspirators had no -difficulty in changing the hands on the dial se aa to cut down aa much aa desired to record of water used. In thousands of within the past few years ibis has been dona; according to Chief l- of Detectives Collsran. 1 i The" soli of Hawaii is of a-dark chocolate or reddish brown, and the darker la beat adapted to growing cof.

Bruning Courier from Bruning, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.