Ultimate Dutch Bros. Coffee Menu Guide (How To Order) - Brew That Coffee (2024)

Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by brewthatcoffee

Dutch Bros is a drive-through establishment that started in 1992 in South Oregon. Their expanding business reaches twelve states with 538 stands. The coffee-chain franchise is famous for its creative, energetic flavor combinations, fast, friendly service, and devoted customer base.

Ultimate Dutch Bros. Coffee Menu Guide (How To Order) - Brew That Coffee (1)

Ordering from Dutch Bros Coffee means familiarizing yourself with their creative flavor combos. There are three drink options: hot, iced, and blended. Choose your preferred flavor combo and pair it with your desired style. Dutch Bros has three main drink styles: Classic®, Rebel™, and Cold Brew.

This article is the ultimate Dutch Bros coffee menu guide. It first details how to order from the Dutch Bros drive-thru menu. Then there’s a list of every Dutch Bros drink, including caffeine-free and sugar-free. Finally, there is information about the Dutch Bros company and FAQs.

How To Order at Dutch Bros

Every coffee kiosk has its own ordering lingo and offers an individual experience. Dutch Bros’ menu is centered on flavor combinations. So, when ordering your drink, you must first decide on the flavor combo and then on the drink style- Iced, Blended, Hot, or Toasted.

Blended drinks include Smoothies, Dutch Freeze®, Dutch Frost®, and Dutch Cocoa. Iced drinks consist of Dutch Classics®, Dutch Bros Rebel™ Energy Drink, Tea, Lemonade, Dutch Soda™, Chai, and Dutch Cocoa. Hot drinks comprise Dutch Classics®, Chai, Dutch Cocoa, Tea, and Americano.

In addition, be ready for the extensive toppings and flavored syrups you can add to your drinks. There are sugar-free options for weight-conscious customers. Look at the online menu and familiarize yourself with the features before ordering.


Before you greet the Barista, decide on the size of your beverage. Dutch Bros sizes are the standard small, medium, and large portions. Yet they’re unique in their ounces per drink. The amounts depend on Hot, Toasted, Iced, or Blended options.

Small and medium-sized espresso drink cups consist of two espresso shots. Large espresso drink cups have four espresso shots.


  • Ten ounces (hot and cold)- These drinks are only available for kids- Dutch Frost®, Dutch Soda, Smoothie, and Not So Hots (milk chocolate steamed to a kid-friendly heat).

Iced and Blended Drinks

  • Large- 32 ounces
  • Medium- 24 ounces
  • Small- 16 ounces

Hot Drinks

  • Large- 20 ounces
  • Medium- 16 ounces
  • Small- 12 ounces

Drink Styles

The many varied and inspired drink style options of Dutch Bros have managed to attract a consistent customer base. There are caffeinated and non-caffeinated options, as well as sugar-free. Essentially, the menu offers Classic®, Rebel™, and Cold Brew.

The Dutch Bros drinks menu expands on the three staple categories. This menu presents Dutch Freeze®, Americano, Dutch Bros Rebel™ Energy Drinks, Dutch Frost®, Tea, Chai, Lemonade, Smoothies, Dutch Cocoa, Dutch Soda™, and Kids-specific options.

In the following section, you’ll understand how to order Dutch Bros drink via the flavor combo.

Flavor Combinations

Dutch Bros doesn’t name drinks. They name flavor combinations. When ordering from the Dutch Bros menu, you can order different flavor combinations, whether Blended, Iced, Hot, or Toasted.

If you look online at the Dutch Bros’ menu, featured drinks are at the top of the web page. These are good examples of flavor combo variations that will be either Iced, Hot, Toasted, or Blended. So, choose your flavor combo and decide how you want it.

Dutch Bros Secret Menu

Dutch Bros has harnessed a cult-like following with their underground, secret menu. These unexpected flavors are responsible for the long lines of Dutch Bros customers waiting outside the drive-thru restaurant.

Their secret menu offers specific drinks with prepared flavor combinations. You can order from the secret menu and decide if you want Blended, Iced, Hot, or Toasted. For example, the flavor combo White Zombie consists of white chocolate and vanilla Torani syrups, and you can have it Hot or Iced.

There are also assortments of energy drinks and smoothies. Fruity concoctions of coconut, lavender, Macadamia nut, peach, and an appearance from members of the berry family- blue raspberry, strawberry, blackberry- make for experimental flavor combo success.

Imaginative and innovative, these drinks styles surpass your average barista experience- like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts.

Syrups And Sauces

Dutch Bros uses Torani syrup in their drinks. Torani is a famous syrup brand that can be purchased at most stores worldwide. Various flavors contribute to the individual drink styles. Vanilla Torani syrup is used more than other flavors as it’s a good base flavor.

However, Dutch Bros offers over 25 different flavor drinks. Each drink contains about 0.25 ounces of syrup. The precise amount varies depending on the drink recipe- the extensive list of flavors ranges from sweet, fruity, and savory.

Several sugar-free syrup options include chocolate macadamia nut, coconut, hazelnut, Irish cream, peppermint, strawberry, raspberry, and vanilla. In addition, some Torani syrups consist of natural ingredients. For example, vanilla uses seeds from an actual vanilla bean.

Torani flavor syrups used in Dutch Bros drinks:


Almond Roca



Blue Raspberry

Brown Sugar Cinnamon





English toffee


Irish cream




Passion fruit





Ruby red grapefruit

Salted caramel





Topping ingredients that Dutch Bros serves includes a soft top. This is a fusion of whipped full cream, sugar, buttermilk, and vanilla. The soft top option is like Starbucks cold foam.

Additionally, there are various sprinkles like cinnamon, nutmeg, and hundreds and thousands. Finally, varied caramel, coconut, hazelnut, and chocolate drizzles are poured on the whipped cream.

List of Every Dutch Bros Drink

The following is a list of every Dutch Bros drink and the Torani syrup flavors used in each. Choose either Iced, Blended, Toasted, or Hot.


Americano– Espresso, water

Dutch Classics®

Kicker- Irish cream breve

Caramelizer– Caramel mocha

Annihilator– Chocolate Macadamia nut breve

Cocomo– Coconut mocha

Double Torture– Extra double shot vanilla mocha

9-1-1- six-shot Irish cream breve

Golden Eagle– Vanilla and caramel breve with caramel drizzle

Cold Brew

Cold Brew– Either Toasted or Iced

Cold Brew Caramelizer– Caramel mocha

Cold Brew White Mocha– White chocolate mocha

Campout Cold Brew– Chocolate Macadamia nut, vanilla with a soft top, and chocolate drizzle

Nitro-Infused Cold Brew

Nitro-Infused Cold Brew Caramelizer– Caramel mocha

Nitro-Infused Cold Brew Annihilator– Chocolate Macadamia nut breve

Nitro-infused Cold Brew Kicker– Irish cream breve

Nitro– Either Iced or Toasted

Dutch Freeze®, Dutch Bros Rebel™, Energy Drink, Dutch Frost®, Lemonade, Dutch Sodas™, Dutch Cocoa, Tea, Chai, and Kids

Aftershock– Strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, lime

Almond Bar– White chocolate, almond

Aquaberry– Strawberry, kiwi, blue raspberry, watermelon

Astronaut– Blackberry, raspberry, almond

Banana Bread– Banana, white chocolate

Banana Cream Pie– Banana, white hot chocolate

Banana Split– Vanilla, banana, dark chocolate

Ba-Nay-Nay– Banana, white chocolate

Bubblegum– Banana, strawberry, vanilla

Cake Batter– Almond Roca, white chocolate

Caramel– Caramel

Caramelizer– Blended caramel mocha

Christmas Morning– White chocolate chai breve

Cocomo– Blended coconut mocha

Cookie– White chocolate, Macadamia nut

Coral Reef– Orange, vanilla, with blue raspberry drizzle

Cotton Candy– Blue raspberry, white chocolate

Decaf Ceylon Tea

Dinosaur Egg– Blue raspberry with strawberry, white chocolate, and almond drizzle

Dirty Chai– Added Shots

Double Chocolate– Double Chocolate

Double Chocolate Mocha– Dark chocolate mocha

Double Rainbro– Strawberry, peach, coconut

Dragon Slayer– Raspberry, blue raspberry, with blackberry drizzle

Dream Weaver– Hazelnut, white chocolate

Dutch Canyon– White chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate Macadamia nut, with caramel drizzle

Dutch Mojito– Coconut, lime, crème de menthe

Earl Grey Tea

Eclipse– Peach, passion fruit, with blackberry, blue raspberry drizzle

Electric Berry– Lime, blue raspberry

Fire Lizard– Strawberry, banana, orange

Freedom– Vanilla, with blue raspberry, raspberry drizzle

French Vanilla Bean– Vanilla, caramel

Galaxy Fish– Strawberry, lime, passion fruit

Gem Berry– Blackberry, vanilla, raspberry

German Chocolate– Caramel, coconut, dark chocolate

Golden Eagle– Blended vanilla caramel breeze

Grasshopper– Crème de menthe, dark chocolate

Green Apple Smoothie

Green Tea

Green Tea Lemonade– Green Tea and lemonade

Gummy Bear– Kiwi, lime, white chocolate

Hawaiian– Banana, orange, peach, strawberry

Hot Cinnamon Spiced Tea

Hyperchrome– Orange, passion fruit, pomegranate

Irie– Banana, coconut

Islander– Chocolate, Macadamia nut, coconut, vanilla

Jelly Donut– Salted caramel, raspberry, almond

Laser Cat– Raspberry, coconut

Majestic Forest– Blackberry, blue raspberry, kiwi

Mango Smoothie

Marmalade– Strawberry, orange, grapefruit

Marmalade– Strawberry, orange, grapefruit

Midnight– Blackberry, pomegranate

Midnight Rebel– Blackberry, pomegranate

Molten Lava– Cinnamon, dark chocolate

Ninja– Crème de menthe, white chocolate

Not-So-Hot– Hot Cocoa

Nutty Irishman– Irish cream, hazelnut

OG Gummybear– Pomegranate, passion fruit, watermelon, grapefruit

Palm Beach– Pomegranate, peach

Palm Tree– Pomegranate, passion fruit, lime

Paris Tea

Passion Water– Passion fruit, watermelon

Peach Cobbler– White chocolate, peach, chocolate Macadamia nut

Peach– Peach

Peach Smoothie

Picture Perfect-Caramel, chocolate drizzle

Pink Flamingo– Peach, strawberry, white chocolate

Ray of Sunshine– Blackberry, peach, grapefruit

Red, White, & Blue– Raspberry, blue raspberry, white chocolate

Rocky Point– Blackberry, peach, coconut, orange

Shark Attack– Blue raspberry, coconut, lime, with pomegranate drizzle

Snickerdoodle– Cinnamon, chocolate, Macadamia nut, white chocolate, with cinnamon sprinkles

Starry Night– Blue raspberry, blackberry

Stop Light– Pomegranate, passion fruit, kiwi

Strawberry Lavender Frost– Strawberry, lavender

Strawberry Lavender Green Tea– Strawberry, lavender

Strawberry Lavender Lemonade– Strawberry, lavender

Strawberry Pineapple– Strawberry, pineapple

Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberry Smoothie– Strawberry

Strawberry– Strawberry

Sweet Sunrise– Peach, passion fruit, orange, banana

The Bob– Banana, coconut, dark chocolate

Tigers Blood– Strawberry, coconut

Toasted Mellow– Vanilla chocolate, Macadamia nut

Tricky Tre– Orange, peach

Trifecta– Caramel, white chocolate, dark chocolate

Trixie– Almond, orange, pomegranate

Tropical– Passion fruit, coconut, blue raspberry

Tuxedo– White chocolate, dark chocolate

Vanilla– Vanilla

Wallaby– Chocolate Macadamia nut, dark chocolate, caramel

White Angel– White chocolate, coconut, vanilla

White Chocolate Chai Latte- White chocolate

White Chocolate Mocha– White chocolate mocha

White Chocolate– White chocolate

White Zombie– White chocolate, vanilla

Caffeine-Free Dutch Bros Drinks

As a coffee company, Dutch Bros offers caffeine-free drinks. Firstly, All Rebel™ flavor combos have caffeine as these are energy drinks. So, avoid the Rebel™ drinks menu entirely.

The decaf Dutch Bros drinks still contain trace amounts of caffeine. However, they guarantee the removal of 99.9% caffeine from their decaf drinks menu.

Chocolate milk and decaf tea have lower doses of caffeine, and white chocolate is entirely caffeine free.

Here are caffeine-free options offered by Dutch Bros.

Dutch Sodas™– The Dutch Sodas™ is a mixture of sparkling soda water and Torani syrup. These are sweet sodas (sugar-free options are available) that are caffeine free. If you ask the Broista for an Italian Soda, Dutch Bros will add cream.

Lemonades– Dutch Bros Lemonades are caffeine free and served either iced or blended.

Frosts®– These are Dutch Bros milkshakes topped with whipped cream. They’re entirely caffeine free. Frosts® are available in kids’ size cups (ten ounces).

Smoothies are blended mixtures of fruit purees and ice with whipped cream at the top. Ask the Broista for an ice cream option.

Low-Caffeine Dutch Bros drinks– These are low-caffeine Dutch Bros options available.

  • Decaf Dutch Classics®– All Dutch Classic breves are available in decaf or half-caf. Ask for a Classic Dutch Bros drink in decaf.
  • Dutch Bros Decaf Tea– Decaf tea options include Decaf Ceylon and Paris Tea.
  • Chai– Chai tea has caffeine but at a lower dose.
  • Not So Hot– These kid-sized hot chocolate drinks have trace amounts of caffeine.

Sugar-Free Options At Dutch Bros

Fortunately, these sugar-free options give customers the same drink experience for half the calories. Additionally, the franchise uses Torani sugar-free syrups- made from stevia and monk fruit extract. Festivities and seasonal changes determine the sugar-free options.

The calorie quantity of a single syrup pump is anywhere from zero to five. Besides Americano, you’ll need to specify to the Broista that you want sugar-free options.

The following describes the sugar-free Torani syrups available for Dutch Bros customers.

Torani sugar-free caramel syrup– With zero calories and carbs, this condiment tastes the same as regular caramel syrup. It’s featured in the Golden Eagle, Caramelizer, Caramelizer Cold Brew, and Trifecta. Ask for sugar-free versions of these drinks.

Torani sugar-free chocolate syrup– Chocolate adds to the undercurrent of coffee flavors. This staple for any drink has zero calories and carbs. Ask for sugar-free Tuxedo, Trifecta, and Wallaby.

Torani sugar-free coconut syrup– This tropical flavor allows Dutch Bros more creative, delicious drink options. It contains zero calories and carbs. Sugar-free drinks include Laser Cat, German Chocolate, Cocomo, and Double Rainbro.

Torani sugar-free hazelnut syrup– This versatile companion to coffee recipes has zero calories and carbs. Try sugar-free versions of Dream Weaver and Nutty Irishman.

Torani sugar-free Irish cream syrup– This traditional favorite consists of 0.035 ounces of carbs for every tablespoon and zero calories. The sugar-free options are Kicker, Kicker Cold Brew, 9-1-1, and Nutty Irishmen.

Torani sugar-free Macadamia nut syrup– This rich coffee addition has zero calories and 0.035 ounces of carbs. The delicious sugar-free drink options include Annihilator, Annihilator Cold Brew, Toasted Mellow, and White Cookie.

Torani sugar-free peach syrup– Peach is a popular option over summer, with zero calories and carbs. Ask for sugar-free Pink Flamingo, Peach Rebel, and Peached Iced Tea.

Torani sugar-free peppermint syrup– This syrup is enjoyed during the holidays and throughout the year. It has zero calories and carbs. Sugar-free Dutch Bros drinks include Peppermint Bliss and Peppermint Bark Freeze.

Torani sugar-free raspberry syrup– Berries are a part of the wide range of drink options Dutch Bros offer. With zero calories and carbs, great sugar-free drink options include Laser Cat and Dinosaur Egg.

Torani sugar-free strawberry syrup– Strawberry is an exciting syrup in some of the Rebel™ flavor combos, consisting of zero calories and carbs. Ask for sugar-free Double Rainbro, Strawberry Iced Tea, and Pink Flamingo.

Torani sugar-free vanilla syrup– This syrup contains natural vanilla ingredients and has zero calories and carbs. Ask for sugar-free versions of Double Torture, Golden Eagle, White Zombie, and Toasted Mellow.

Torani sugar-free white chocolate syrup– This is available in White Zombie, Toasted Mellow, Golden Eagle, and Double Torture. It contains zero calories and carbs.

Dutch Bros Food Menu

As it’s primarily a coffee restaurant, the food items Dutch Bros offers are limited to a few nibbly goodies. These include an orange cranberry muffin top, a lemon poppyseed muffin top, a chocolate chip muffin top, and a granola bar.

About the Dutch Bros Company

Brothers Dane and Travis Boersma began the Dutch Bros coffee company. Capitalizing on their Dutch heritage, these brothers began selling coffee and espresso from a coffee pushcart. Pooling their finances together, they used $1200 for capital- an espresso machine and a single cart.

They named their business as a salute to their Dutch grandparents. In 1994, two years after initiating their company, they had four carts and their first drive-thru. Finally, in 1999, they officially became a franchise.

What is Dutch Bros?

This coffee franchise is located mainly along the west coast. The drive-thru coffee kiosk offers an extensive assortment of customizable drinks.

In 1996 Dutch Bros began obtaining Arabica coffee bean strains from excellent coffee global markets, like Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, and Honduras. Naturally, therefore, their menu boasts prime brew. In addition, in 2012, Dutch Bros introduced Rebel™ Energy Drinks to their menu.

What’s The Big Deal With Dutch Bros?

Dutch Bros offers its loyal customer base a unique coffee experience. Their menu is fresh, with inventive coffee combinations found nowhere else. Additionally, as they’re a drive-through restaurant, they afford their customers convenience and comfort.

Their inspirational menu appeals to younger audiences- millennials and gen z. Ordering from their wide range of creative drink designs is an adventure in taste and experience. On their website, they maintain that creating connections with friends, relatives, and newcomers is their prime objective.

What A Broista Is

Broistas is the name given to the employees. It’s a play on the word Barista, with the first syllable “Bro”- a reference to the company’s name. It’s a reimagined term for an innovative company.

Dutch Bros Coffee Menu FAQs

These are answers to the most frequently asked questions surrounding Dutch Bros.

Yes, Dutch Bros is cheaper than Starbucks. Dutch Bros offers a quality Broista experience without the high price of Starbucks. Starbucks capitalizes on its corporate responsibility and eco-friendly status.

In comparison, Dutch Bros’ focus is on community building and strengthened customer-server relationships. Additionally, their coffee is made from high-quality Arabica beans. So, it equals value.

Yes, you can buy Dutch Bros coffee beans. Privately reserved Dutch Bros premium coffee beans are the same coffee used in their stores. You can purchase Dutch Bros coffee beans on their website, Amazon, at select locations, or some retailers.

Dutch Bros’ whole coffee beans are roasted at their roastery in Portland, Oregon. There are many various coffee flavors, limited editions, and seasonal ones. Go online to check their wide variety of coffee beans. You can buy them pre-ground or grind them at the store.

The superior Arabica coffee strain used by Dutch Bros is sourced from many countries across the globe- Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Columbia, and Guatemala. You can subscribe for coffee updates from Dutch Bros.

Here is a list of the ten most popular menu items of Dutch Bros.

  1. The Cold Brew Kicker
  2. Raspberry Vanilla Chai
  3. Golden Eagle Breve
  4. Nitro-Infused Cold Brew
  5. The Iced Double Rebel
  6. Picture Perfect Dutch Breve
  7. Shark Attack Blue Rebel Energy Drink
  8. Kings of Leon
  9. White Mocha Brew
  10. Oat Milk Kicker


This ultimate Dutch Bros. Coffee menu guide explores all aspects of the espresso franchise. Dutch Bros focus their menu on flavor combos, with variants of Iced, Hot, or Blended. Their secret menu has set them apart from chains like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts as they provide a wide range of creative flavor combos. Additionally, they offer sugar-free and caffeine-free drinks.




Ultimate Dutch Bros. Coffee Menu Guide (How To Order) - Brew That Coffee (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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