The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)

6 Advertiser, Lafayette, Tuesday, Aug. 23, 197 7 Lafayette Futurity To Be Big ED Feature ere St for atfii Krai Bl wm Su dauj of I lAg Mrs lour tin Thit i ila Mrs Ray And AUC urai pre; In completes a successful date launch ihe next to last meeting by offering the tradi- weekend of the season Post tional 12 race holiday pro- tjme js 715 Thursday gram, starting at Friday and Saturday, then Meanwhile, however, the 1 30 next Sunday afternoon futurity trials Thursdav mfcl'1 EvD Best Performance (thru Sunday, Aug. 22) 4 fur. (0.4 3, ties EvD record RARE TRIP. 1 colt.

1 18, James Cahanin, May 1 3rd race) 4' i fur, (0:52.1) trux TOP, 5 mare. 112. Joey Schwankharf. May 8 ith race) 5 fur (0:51 I LAST SPY, 6 horse, 115, James T. Canamn, July 8th race) 5'a fur II 04 1, EvO record) MRS DEVI LLE.

3 filly. Ill, James Cahanin, Way 2P (9th race 6 fur (1:09 1, EvO record) FlPST GLOW 4 colt, 110, Robert Boyd, May 21 race) and BIG GIG, 4 gelding, 114, James Cahanin, May 29 "t'i race) tor (132.0. EvO recordi MY GIRL BARBlH. 5 mare, 105, Elvis Lang Una is. May 12 (8th) One mile (I 34.4, EvD record) NIN'S PiCK.

3 gelding, 109. Ricky LeBMMKj 5 (9th race) One mile 40 yds. (1:44 3) VAGABOND A mare, 112, Cdgar Donaghey, June 23 1st race). One mile 0 yds (1:42.3, EvO record) MR GRI2NON, 5 gelding, 1 10. Sharon Nolan, June 19 (8th race).

One 1 14 mile (1 43 2. EvD record) NIN PICK, 3 adding. 114, Ricky LeB'anc, June 19 (9th race) Or 1 mile (I 53.4, EvD record) "ASQUALE gelding, 120, Mark Guidry, June 19 (10th) One i 14 mile (2 04 I) come ON FRISKY, 5 gelding. Ml, Elvis anglinais, July 17 (3rd). Lineups for the trials will be determined Tuesday.

August 25, when each nominee pays a final fee for the entry box and a taerth in the Thursday prelims Kaulk said if :2 or more of the 86 el iglbles get nominated, the total purse will go higher thanlho previous state record ol Sftl.tfOO. paid out here for the 1974 Southwest Louisiana Futurity. "Definitely it will be the richest Lafayette Futurity in the traek's 12-year Faulk stated. Tin 1974 Lafayette Futurity grossed $05,550, and biggy Bayou won Ihe $32,775 top share for New Orleans co-owners Rernard Goldman and Ben Weimer. Last year's purse totaled $2.250.

with first going to VV A. Darlings Oil Patch Pappa On Labor Day the Downs Evangeline Downs may soon stage the richest race for iwo year old thoroughbreds ever run in Ixnrislana. The $10,000 added Lafayette Futurity is to be run at the Lafayette track on Labor Day, final date of the Big E's 1977 meeting (Monday, Sept. 5), "There is a very strong possibility the gross purse will be about $84,000. and maybe more," noted general manager Norman Kaulk.

Eighty-six juvenile platers are eligible for the Futurity's 12th running, including nine supplementary nominations, and several of these are established stakes-winners To qualify for the lucrative Futurity, first these promising "babies'' musl compete heie Thursday night in the trial tests, each offering a $2,700 purse at six furlongs Lil'Lixa Stakes Winner Chateau Futurity Hopeful wer Jos Mrs diet the cen Si bar Ra Vol Mr Crc Bla one Ra Stu chi gfi in In Cup it's Who is Firs Cordova Leads Eagles Upset Papale in the third period, sending the Kagles ahead 14 10. He directed a TD drive in the final quarter, rookie Jim Betterson banging Ihree yards for the six points. He completed four of seven passes for 47 yards in Philadelphia's second preseaon triumph in three games Earlier, the Patriots had taken a KM) lead on a one-yard first-period scoring run by Andy Johnson and John PHILADE1 PHIA AjP A fourth-string quarterback in the National Football league could be likened to a guy trying to walk up a down escalator He's got big problems. Take Mike Coidova, and almost nobody did in the NFL He was the last quarterback selected in May's player draft The Philadelphia' Eagles decided to take a look at the Stanford graduate. When Coidova reported to the Kagles' training camp he found himself behind quarterbacks Ron Jaworski, Koman Gabriel ard John Walton.

His chances of sticking were ahou; as good as the Eagles making si fo A ol si a happen to me in a long while. A quarterback wants to score points, and that's whal happened Cordova almost blew his chance to play against the Patriots "1 was disturbed that I wasn't going lo play after I had a bad practice on Tuesday." Cordova recalled. "One of the writers told me. the coach didn't. I didn't throw well that day.

But it proliably made me work a lit He harder Vermeil had second thoughts later in the week and decided that Cordova would have his chance under fire. ai Philadelphia 20,025 New England 3 0 0 10 Philadelphia 0 1 7 7 21 NE- Johnson 1 run i Smith kick) HE FO Smith J2 Phi Krepfle 2 pas from Jaworski Muhlmann kick) Phi Papale diss from Cordon Muhlmann Phi Betters'n .3 run (Muhlmann kick) INDI. DUAL LEADERS RUSHING New Enyland. Cunningham 1139, Ivory 5 18, Johnson 14 delphia, Lusk 1137, Betterson 9 29, Sudi van 29, Hocar, 5 29. RECEIVING Ntw England, Briscoe 2 Forte 134 iladelnhia krepfle 3 78, ivmiisof :6, Papale 1 14.

PASSING New Elgiand Grogan 5 14 3, la yards, Owen 3 5 0, 52. Philadelphia, Cordova 4 0. 47; Jaworski 3 12 1. 25. Match racing is probabh the most visible spoi the is.

said Gary Jobson, tar cian aboard 1974 defender Courageous "If one guy i man i fouls up. everybody suffers We II Jobson, a two-time Bailing All-American at Ihe New Yoi Maritime Academy, has been primarily responsible for the tactics that Ijave made Courageous (In- U)beat in ihe n77 defense In Ute June jjreHrninarj and July observation trials Coui ageous had a 14 7 reeoi I against Enterprise, newest i lh-- nited Stales' 12 meters and Independence, a new uesign oy saiimaKer 'ted Hood "Tin niosi important thing lo rem mlier hen there's on ly two Ixials racing ts hi co when you're ahead." Jobson explained. "You must atta when you arc behind anil never give your opponent tin lo breathe A leading yacht "covers" her lead tn keeping ihe trail ing yachl in tfie turbulent ivake of" ner Wind The first leg of a mutch raci? is lo windward and is second only to the start mi importance Within minutr aflei dealing the starting Rate tacking duels begin. After rounding the weathci mark, match racers raise their spinnakers and complet the next two legs of Hie riangie The objective Ibel for the (r uling yachi to take ihe wind from the one in fn "Like in football you see all your mistakes and i NFWPORT. K.I.

(AP) match racing for the America's Cup, it Isn't how fast you go hut getting there fust that counts. Only two yachts compete against each olhei and the no second place, Unlike point topoir: ocean racing where the objective is lo gel from one place to another anyone else strategy is vital in tin America's Cup and other match events such as the Congressional Cup. The 1 2-meter yachts dueling for the America's Cup com pete on a 24. 1-mile triangular course. MOing irnund the triangle once and then back and forth from the starting buoy to the windward mark three mon times Spencer Lost To Saints For Season VEKO BEACH, AP i Maurice Spencer, a four-year veteran cornerback with the New Orleans Saints, is out tor 'he rest of the reason witli a broken neck Team doctoi Ken Saer said Monday that Spencer nouli' not be able to plav again this season Localise of a fracture suffered In Saturday's victory over the Buffalo Bills Sue, said that Spencer would he put in traction for two eeks after v.

huh a de i sion mi whether to operate will be made "This is a real blow," Coach Hank Strain said. "Maurice was making so much progress this year and is vitally important to our plans Clarence Chapman a second-year player from Eastern Michigan, will replace St ran said the Super Bow 1 siihi Mike got the Inn! when he found himself sharing a locker with rookie wide receiver Mike Mastranardo His first job appeared to Ix getting his own clothes hook Well, by now you should have Cordova's loi pretty well in foous Cordova persevered. He picked up loose footballs for Jaworski. Gabriel and Walton Occasionally they let him throw a few. Eagles' Coach Dick Vermeil finally decided to give Cordova some game get ion aginst the New England Patriots Monday night.

annul soyarn neici goal the second period. Jaworski 's Iwoyard TD pass to Keith Krepfle in the end zone cut it to iu-7 at halftime. Cordova took his first NFL scoring pass calmly. "I jumped up about six feet." said the 6-foot 2 Cordova, who threw for 3,556 yards, including 25 touchdowns, at Stanford "It was the most excitinu thing to Shepard Dies A Age 80 CHAPEL HILL, N.C fAP) Norman Shepard. who led North Carolina lo a nalional basketball championship in 1924 died )nday in Sarasota.

Ela He was 80 Shepard was a 1923 graduate of North Carolina. He joined the Tar Heels' coaching staff the following year, and coached the squad to 26 straight triumphs and the TOUCHDOWN FOR PATRIOTS New England Patriots Andy (32) is only-slowed by FZagkv Johnny Outlaw Johnson scored Pa'r-iots' first touchdown Mondav night In preseason football actior Philadelphia. Patriots' quarterback Ste Orogan 14) watches Johnson score. (AP Wirephoto) USSR US Chasing Cuba InWorld All the Cordova did was lead the Eagles to a pair of second-half touchdowns and an upset 21-10 victory over a team mam predict will reach the 1978 Super Bow I Cordova threw a 14 -yard Games touchdown pass to V'ince Jobson a vet SOFIA. Bulgaria The United States national crown.

AP i chased can everybu ly ilse, said That's why if' visible sport Dickinson University in the meiers with Duncan McDonald of Stanford University, and in the two men's relays, the 400 and 1,600 meters. It would be a hig surprise il the big Soviet fails to heat the Americans in medals. The Russians have sent a strong team to the Games event today appeared to lie the men's 400 meter hurdles Tom Andrews, also from Southern Cal, dominated the semifinal winning his heat in seconds Mot day The Americans also had strong challengers in the men's high jump with Franklin Jacohs ol Fairleigh SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) Mcaals tabu tation Monday's comceMion in the Worici University Games C-otd Sil fin Jeff Borowiak Wins Canadian Open Tennis CABARE1 Of IMMEDIAIEIY Experionci bar tondr wait" i waitress. h. pay 23Z- U72- 507.W.

Pmhoofc NIK-nccr nau micrcepiea a pass in each of the Saints' three exhibition victories this season lie started all 14 regular season games Ium) 14 Ukti 1E0 I Cuba and the Soviet Union today, seeking supremacy in the track and field competition at the World 1 Iniversity Games. With 12 more gold medals at stake, the Americans sougi to overcome the had collected five so far, and the Cubans, who had four, twice as manv as the United Stales. The closing day ol track ai the Levski Stadium featured American eompeti'ors as favorilesin foui events The Americans got a big boost Monday nignt when Clancy Kd wards won Ihe men's ftximeLer dash, leating Cuban star Sil vk) Leonard. The University ul Southern California si indent craved a strong wind blowing up Ihe straight of the track and won in 20 4li seconds, preventing Leonard from a prestigious double after his triumph in the 100 meters Sunday eonard was second in 20.64 The crowd whistled and jeered Loenard- who holds a season's best i the world with 20.08 -as he crossed the finish line. The strongest American soviet union Romania Cuba Japan Poland Urvter' States Italy Yugoslavia West Oer-nan, Hungarv Cjer.hoslovakia Belgium Austria Taiwan EdSt German Britain Canada France music at the University of California-Berkley.

Those comebacks are the type of that can win a tournament for ou. He said he nadn'l known what to expect from Fillol i felt that Jaime never no warmed up he said "I fell slightly jittery myself But 1 made some forcing shots in the beginning and 1 kept the errors down." It was the third tournament victory this year for the 12thseeded Borowiak, making 1977 his best season since joining the oro tennis tour in 1971 TORONTO AP) Jeff Borowiak knows the importance of being able to st age comebacks He took only 44 in.nutes to dispose of Chile Jaime Fillol 6-0. fi-l and win ihe men's singles title at the Canadian Open tennis championships Monday night Bui despite the convincing score, the 27-year-old Californian had lo bounce back several times Twice in the first set, Fiilol had Borowiak on the run, down (MO on his serve then made unforced errors to blow both games In the beginning of the second set. Fillol apieared to be shaking off his control problems, inning seven points in a row to lead 1-0 and (Mil on Borowiak'a serve The near-capacil crowd ol more than 5.500 gave the Chilean a cheer oi encouragement, hut his control once again evaporated and he only managed lour more points the rest of the match. Recently.

I've found myself getting out of 40 and 15 40 said Borowiak. a jazz pianist and flutist who is majoring in BORROW UP TO HOMEMAKERS FINANCE SrRV! a subsidiary of GENERAL CE INC ELFCTRK ELMATADOR CREDIT announce laige Jcinr lounet OPEN 10 A M. TIL rfflf Suppt' "ool 'gutnompnt I "'r rl Nigll LANCl oi N.ght rMtUfina Po.rtarj fajt' available tor any worlhwliile El f'jrposo lis Monier, Mgr. Tammoriello Pleased With Cajun Workout HOMt IMPROVEMENT BILl PAY TAXFS PEPSONAt EXPENSES Select the loan you wish to Apply for tIht call Ihe HOMEM- Kl RS office convenient. Othe- 2r.d bans can also be arra-: AT LAST! An ELECTRONIC replacement for your mechanical posting $3540 00 J5O34.03 AMOUNT JiNANCED 36 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 94.C0 per mo.

1 28 00 ner mn 1 1 1 nn mAH i -v. "jv.urr Tit' macntwe' 3384 00 4608.00 ,6552 00 i oral 10.800.00 Tammariello added. "We still have a tremendous amount of work to do on fundamentals and conditioning The weather has hurt us. but we've got to overcome it USL will continue to workout from 9 a -11 am each morning and 5 p.m. -7 each evening in prepara tion for the season opener Sept against Tulsa in Cajun Field The n-maining prac back Nat Durant from Amite with a 16-yard scamper ''On defense Mike Pentecost.

AI Kennedy Ken Chenier and Keith Walker all made big plavs Ihe kind you walk away from with a smile." Tammariello said Tammariello also praised the kicking game. AI Korn looked good on field goals and I was impressed with Jeff Holm a freshman' punting under the wet conditions," Tammariello said TheA4 electronic numeric accourting system AMOUNT FINANCED $2599.10 I $3544.00 $5040.00 510,041.00 66 00 per mo. 90 00permo. 2B.0O per mV I2550Q ner "n-1 lofa hjimpril; Tnialn, JPermo 60 MONTHLY PAYMENTS 3Q, on' r. oaymenfs i Tor be closed to the at pflvmerf3 tices will public- ijtw.uu 1680 OQ 1 5.300.00 is a desktop unit designed especially for your "post ing The University of Southwestern Iouisiana final ly got in a full-scale scrimmage Monday despite a driving rainstorm and bad conditions In the hour and-one-half scrimmage there was little passing passes to be ex act I and numerous turnovers (12 fumbles and an interception', but overall USL coach Augie Tammariellow was pleased "I was pleased with the fact ihat our players cooperated so well when ihe weathei urn 1 so bad," the coach said "That shows what a inning attitude we have.

The weather can't dampen that and we ve had bad weather for four Strambler Strong Fullback Allen Strambler. second team last year, looked super Monday The Frederick. Okla native rushed for iv varrls on only seven carries, including a 45-yard louchdow run in which he broke three tackles AIM running weli were senior Bruno Parker 'rom New Orleans who had 3 vards on 13 carries and wing requirements. Interchangeable MONTHLY JINANCE?) AMOUNT 120 PAYMENTS gtoifi pastes 216 8oudroux St. Lafaytt $4,992.86 IOOOrmcT" iTora! po-ments 110.800 $7,492.29 135 00 per mo.

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The Daily Advertiser from Lafayette, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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